The Koval Williamson Amazon team has represented us for the last 5 years and has been instrumental in our continued growth. They are experts in everything Amazon and have helped us in all aspects including product listings, packaging, handling shortages and chargebacks, sales analysis and more. They are great to work with, respond promptly to any problem or request and clearly understand our goals and what it takes to achieve them. We certainly could not have done this on our own.
Bill Stengel - Summit Chemical Company
Three key reasons I would recommend working with Koval Williamson: First, their team is well connected at the key retailers based in the markets they do business. These deep relationships are essential to us making regular contact with the buying and management teams. Second, they have a team of experts that handle the back-end details. From item set-ups, images, promotional execution, tracking funding, etc. their team is knowledgeable and efficient. Third, they are fun and down to earth people that are enjoyable to have as partners.
Megan Peterson - Nordicware